Yellow Gator and Red Bear have been friends for a long time. They met each other when they were both young and became friends right away.  Yellow Gator speaks both English and Spanish. He is very proud of his Mexican heritage and still visits his family and friends in Mexico when he can. Even though he is a gator, he really doesn’t like the water. But he does like to drink water, and he likes his morning shower (not necessarily at the same time). He likes to tell jokes even if his friends don’t always think they are that funny.

  • Birthday – February 23rd
  • Favorite Sport – soccer
  • Favorite Activities – board games, writing poems, and watching action movies
  • Favorite Holiday – Cinco de Mayo
  • Least Favorite Food – pickles
  • Yellow’s Best Time of the Day – watching the sunset in the evening

Yellow Gator says – 

“Sometimes when I get lonely or sad, I just think how lucky I am. I have a great family and a whole bunch of friends who care about me. If that doesn’t cheer me up, I just tell myself one of my famously funny jokes…”
